Bunnies around the world 🗺️

Hey #bunnylovers! Hope y’all are well. Did you know that our fluffy friends can be found in ALL the continents of the world – apart from Antarctica?!

Today’s post is all about rabbits around the world!

Rabbits can be found in a many different biomes: from deserts, grasslands, forests, to even urban areas. They can survive in all these places due to their physiques, which are amazing! They have sensitive ears for detecting predators, strong hind legs for running and jumping, and big feet perfect for navigating rough terrain. These features stay more or less the same throughout the whole world, however, there are some major adaptations that differ.


The rabbits here dig burrows to find shelter from the extreme conditions. They eat plants to stay hydrated. Additionally, their sandy colour is perfect camouflage. See the image below of the desert Cottontail (cute name!!!).


With lots of food and water here, rabbits thrive in swamps. But, this biome is not without it’s challenges, as there is flooding. The bunnies know how to handle this, though! For example, in North America, they are very strong swimmers, and use the water to escape from predators.


Australia, although they’re not native, is home to the European rabbit. In the 19th century, 24 rabbits were let loose, and that started ‘Australia’s most devastating biological invasion’. As well as drastically changing the eco-system, these bunnies make LOTS of underground warren systems (which I think are fascinating!!!) – and these contribute to soil erosion.


Here, Cottontail rabbits are a very common species. They generally live at the edges of open fields, meadows, or forest. This is because they have access to food and cover. They make nests for homes – different to the aforementioned European rabbit. Cottontails line their nests with their fur, and make them out of grass.

Hope y’all learnt something new today! Please leave a like, and subscribe if you haven’t already.

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Peace and love ✌️+❤️

H-Mario out.

Published by H-Mario

My pen name is H-Mario, and I own two bunnies. They are called Caramel and Snowflake. They are both on my profile picture. Caramel is the brown one, and Snowflake is obviously (😂) the white one. I used to have two rabbits called Leo and Lopsy, who passed away. 💔 In my free time, I really love to draw and do art in general! I like making stuff that's new, original, fun and creative. My age is -- years old. I live in --. (I don't share personal details. :D ) H-Mario out. ✌️+❤️

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