Wicker mat

Hey y’all! Welcome back to MBCB. Today I’m going to tell you about a new toy I bought for my bunnies. Boredom is a big worry of mine when it comes to Caramel and Snowflake. Although they have two sheds, a big garden all to themselves, me, and each other (at a distance) I’m alwaysContinue reading “Wicker mat”

Pellets 💀

MUST READ FOR ALL RABBIT OWNERS ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Hey everybun! Sorry it’s been a while. When I published the post, ‘Vet visit,’ I promised a post about the dirt I dug up on pellets. There are reasons I don’t feed my rabbits pellets, which I’m going to share with you all today. Back in time Let’sContinue reading “Pellets 💀”


Hi everybun, welcome back! Today I wanted to tell you about the positive effects of hugs with your bunny. (The bunny above is Snowflake, enjoying a hug! 🥰) When you feel yourself distancing from your bun, as their loyal servant, you may be inclined to take action immediately. (I was.) This is very important… WhAt’SContinue reading “Hugs”


Hi all! In today’s post I thought I’d do something different. You may have seen some ads – as have I – about Ecosia. And I’d like to recommend it to all of you, even though it doesn’t help specifically bunnies. It helps everyone. (And before you think I’m being sponsored to promote them, no,Continue reading “Ecosia”

Rat Poisoning in rabbits 🧪

Welcome back everyone. This is mybunnycareblog, and I’m H-Mario, dedicated bunny-lover. Before we start, I wanted to thank those who have been reading, liking, and commenting on my blog. You may think it’s not a big deal, but it makes a huge difference. So thank you. You’re probably thinking, “how terrible! Rat poisoning – INContinue reading “Rat Poisoning in rabbits 🧪”

How to convince your parents to buy you a rabbit

Hello there bunnies + friends! Before we start on this much needed blog, I would like to thank those who wrote those lovely comments the other day. Just little things like that really encourage me to write and learn more about our wonderful furry friends. Also thanks to all my followers for their continuous support!Continue reading “How to convince your parents to buy you a rabbit”

Rainy days with rabbits

Some rabbits love water. They love swimming, baths, rain – all that wet stuff. This bunny, for example. I know this seems all good and fun, but you should NEVER put your bunny in water that goes above their chin. Also, NEVER throw water over your bunny. The occasional gentle spray of water in summerContinue reading “Rainy days with rabbits”

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