Good job, pet stores

Hey #bunnylovers! As Easter approaches rapidly, rabbits also rise in popularity. You may have seen my post, THE EASTER BUNNY. In that post I talked about how the Easter bunny bought on a trend of getting rabbits in the Easter season. However, after Easter many rabbits are dumped at shelters or even abandoned. Year in and year out, shelters fill up at this time.

Therefore, I have to applaud Jollyes (click here to see their rabbit range!) for their recent decision to not sell any rabbits at Easter. This is very admirable, as they could have earned more money by selling the bunnies – they would have had many customers – but instead they chose to help fight the trend of buying a bun for Easter.

Congrats, Jollyes. You are officially not selfish. 👏 We could do with more of that in this world.

Peace and love ✌️+❤️

H-Mario out.

Published by H-Mario

My pen name is H-Mario, and I own two bunnies. They are called Caramel and Snowflake. They are both on my profile picture. Caramel is the brown one, and Snowflake is obviously (😂) the white one. I used to have two rabbits called Leo and Lopsy, who passed away. 💔 In my free time, I really love to draw and do art in general! I like making stuff that's new, original, fun and creative. My age is -- years old. I live in --. (I don't share personal details. :D ) H-Mario out. ✌️+❤️

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